Oracle Forms6i Configuration Post Installation



Configuration Steps for Oracle Forms installation 

This file gives details of the configuration steps done for you by the installation process (marked '[INFO]') and of any actions you need to do manually (marked

'[ACTION]').  Please read this file and perform the requested actions.

[ACTION] If you are installing in a new Oracle Home, please reboot the machine after the installation. 
[ACTION] Please configure the following virtual path with your web listener: /dev60temp for physical directory e:\oracle\ora90\tools\web60\temp. 

[INFO] NT service Oracle Forms Server [Forms60Server-OraHome9] has been created and started for the Forms Server.

[ACTION] Please configure the following virtual path with your web listener: /forms60java for physical directory e:\oracle\ora90\FORMS60\java.
[ACTION] Please configure the following virtual path with your web listener: /dev60html for physical directory e:\oracle\ora90\tools\web60\html.
[ACTION] Please configure the following virtual path with your web listener: /dev60cgi for physical directory e:\oracle\ora90\tools\web60\cgi.

[INFO] An internet shortcut to run a standard test form, or any form of your choice, has been created for you in the Oracle Forms program group.
[ACTION] Please configure the following virtual path with your web listener: /initiator for physical directory e:\oracle\ora90\JINIT.